In your 20s, friendship looks like this:
Allowing your friends to copy your assignment five minutes before class and reminding them to change some of the words, so they don’t look the same. Amala dates after classes. 500 naira airtime alerts that induce feelings of intense gratitude because you are at your last card. Buying little necklaces and packs of earrings for your friends. Sending shawarma money. Inviting your friends over to eat indomie and egg and mistakenly dousing the food with too much pepper so that someone does shwshwheshwa every three minutes and the bag of pure water finishes in no time. Going out on lunch dates and spending more time taking pictures and laughing at the horrible live band playing than eating the food you paid so much money for. Doing TikTok challenges and getting the timing and the transitions all wrong. Commenting “MY LEFT KIDNEY!” on the Instagram posts of your very shy friends. Ranting about how much you miss your friends on burner accounts. Keeping Snapchat streaks, celebrating 100-day milestones, and getting jealous whenever the emojis change (“so you’re cheating on me abi?” Making videos of your friends with ridiculous Snapchat filters while they’re doing very serious things. Asking everyone on the group chat whether it is okay to post a picture and feeling a wonderful sense of validation when they tell you that you look gorgeous, mindblowing, the most beautiful person they’ve ever seen. Taking evening walks together. Making music playlists around very specific emotions. Discussing books together. Watching BBN at your different locations and blowing up the group chat with your opinions on which housemate is a snake and which one wants to use cooking tactics to win. Crying in the arm of your friends because your project supervisor is a witch and has made you come to school three times for nothing. Pregaming before a house party and having liquor poured down your throat from a bottle. Applying your makeup together and asking each other if you look okay, if you’re eyebrows look good and if you blended your concealer well. Sending live locations whenever you enter an uber. Telling your friends to call you after 30 minutes from the time you go to see a boy you just started speaking to and still feel unsure of. Playing mortal kombat in each other’s houses. Being obsessed with your friend’s pets and videocalling them just to tell them, “remove your big head, I want to see the real love of my life.” Subbing people on Twitter circles together. “Who be this one? *skull emoji*” Grinning deviously when someone your friend dislikes walks past them and telling them, with the most innocent expression on your face: “is that not your friend?” Buying different dishes so you can both eat from each other’s plates. Lapping each other in buses, or keke napeps because where you’re going is not that far anyway, and you’re both in your broke era. Going to church even though you hate religious gatherings because you know it would make your friend happy. Coming to terms with the fact that you’re all different and will grow at different paces but it’s okay because you love each other and want to be there for each other. Accepting your friends for who they are, even when sometimes they make you want to hit your head repeatedly against a wall. Borrowing wigs, dresses, and heels for different occasions. Dashing each other items of clothing because ‘it looks better on you anyway.’ Talking each other’s ears off about the people you’re romantically interested in, and calling each other when the breakfast is served, piping hot, to cry. “Can you imagine?’ conversations. “I’m very nervous” conversations. Arguments without head or tail that end with drawn-out awkward silences. Dancing to Love is Wicked by Brick and Lace with so much vim. Jealousy manifested in conversations that go like this: “Admit it, you like her more than you like me.” Following your friend to an interview or helping them work on their project for moral support. 50 naira credit alert jokes with the description line: use this to buy a house in Lekki. Saving their names with ridiculously obscene emojis that make people question your sexuality and your sanity. Celebrating small wins together, like when you finish an online course or get an unpaid internship. Talking about your bosses together. Making Pinterest boards with travel plans for when you turn 26 and are rich enough to go to Europe. Talking about all the things you will do together when you blow, all the places you will go and things you will see. Gossiping about everyone and their daddies together. Learning together. Failing together. Protecting each other. Building entire lives together.
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