Hello my friends. It’s another weekend and another newsletter. By the way, does anyone else feel like this month just ran? Compared to March, which was a very slow month, this month has been very, very fast.
So what’s new? From my end, I have been taking school seriously, and there has been a lot of academic work to do. The next two weeks are going to be very busy, and I am praying for the strength to face it all. At work, I am doing new things. We filmed something exciting this week and I was 1/2 of the team that handled everything from ideation to execution. It made me very happy. To top it all, next week Wednesday is my birthday, and so I have been in a very contemplative mood. I tend to get very melancholy on birthdays, but I am really hoping this year, I will allow myself to feel joy to its fullness.
Anyways, this week, I wanted to share a few newsletters from the past that are worth revisiting. Sometimes old knowledge can speak to new situations in ways they didn’t before, and I am hoping that you will find something in these letters that will help you navigate whatever you are facing right now.
I am rooting for you, as always.
Spark Joy: One of my favourite letters, I think this one is timely because, at every instance, there are a 101 things that can piss us off and bring you down. Remembering that you have agency in deciding who you are, what you want from life, what moves you, and what emotions you allow to occupy your mind is necessary. I think about the phrase, “Spark Joy” a lot. Read here.
Why Setting Goals is not Enough: We’re in April, and for many of us, the momentum we felt at the beginning of the year has diffused into thin air. If you feel this way, this article is a great place to start in reviving your mojo. I wrote it after reading Atomic Habits by James Clear, and it discusses a better approach to goal setting. It’s very informative and timely for those who want to take control of their lives and get shit done. Click here to read.
Nightlife in Lagos: My first time out at night in Laygurs, I got drunk, and documented the entire experience. I like this piece because it is vulnerable and fun. Click here to read.
Kintsugi Blues: I wrote this while I was having a tough time at work. I had just resumed a new job, and I badly wanted to prove myself, yet I kept making silly little mistakes. As a young professional, it’s not uncommon to make mistakes, and in this article, I share what my experience was like and practical tips for handling it. It gets better, trust me. Read here.
Whenever You Wake Up is Your Morning: On a daily basis, we unconsciously ingest a lot of information telling us the best way to live life, and sometimes this information does more harm than good because it makes us doubt ourselves and our worth. In this article, I talk about the importance of time and giving yourself all the space and patience you need to thrive. A forever favourite. Read here.
Ten Lessons for a Better Life: In this, I share some of the things I have learned while journaling. Simple and bite-sized advice for everyday living. Read here.
The beautiful thing about writing is that it immortalizes knowledge. Like with photographs, the superior elements of time, space, and memory, are held captive by the written word, and you can always travel back and take what you need. I really hope these letters minister to you in a new way and wish you a wonderful week ahead.
Media I Consumed This Week
I realised I haven’t shared Media I have consumed in a while, so here we go:
Watching: I am watching BEEF. It’s a Netflix show about Asian Americans who get entangled in each other’s lives after a road rage incident. It has such an amazing premise, and the execution, though slow, is worthwhile. It reminds me of the White Lotus series, in that it is messy and zeitgeisty and feels like a study in human behaviour. I am enjoying it a lot.
I am also watching Youth of May. I saw Lee Dohyun in the Glory and decided to fall in love with him, so I found his next most popular drama. Guess what? I fell in love with the lead actress too! It’s a story set in the 80s about love, but it also has a significant political plot that I feel would end in a tragedy because I have seen TikToks. Will I cry? Stay tuned.
Reading: Honestly haven’t had time to read because school is kicking my ass. So I have been reading a lot of Law of Trusts, and recently, I picked my Land Law textbook because even though I don’t like the course, I must pass. I have also read some interesting short stories and articles here and there.
My friend Ayomide has a marketing newsletter where she talks about marketing from the most relatable point of view. I am in love. This article, where she talks about the past elections from a marketing point of view, is superb.
I also like this piece from Seren’s diary. It’s so fascinating when authors retell bible stories with their own creativity. It’s a fantastic piece.
Well, that's all from me. Have a wonderful week. Love you guys, Cheers!
The month is on steroids but I want it to end. I want to go home.
Nice one, I hope your week is going great.
Kindly include music in your media consumption section, thank you.