The last few weeks have been the most frustrating this year, so I can relate a LOT to everything you experienced. Like the title of the post, it's just a bad week not a bad life. Sending you virtual hugs and hoping for easier days for you. 🤗

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Thank you Daberechi ❤️

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Is it okay that I relate to it all🙈

Even though I'm like 8 timezones away🤣

Thank you for sharing it made me fee better. If that makes sense.

Brush the capitalism one got me. Like I'm just so tired of having to keep going.🥺

I want to rest and relass.

Yes o please leave wisdom at home and vote the man with heart in his name abeg😭

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I understand completely! I really hope things get better for us both ❤️

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Recently had some very frustrating weeks where I was hardly getting sleep because of my workload so I can definitely relate. Hope you have a better week.

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Wishing you a better week too, Hameedat!

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God bless that man for real...as I read that part, I didn't know how to act because it's tough holding on to your kindness in this present time especially when it's truly needed. I pray the right candidate gets elected and I hope for better weeks for all of us.

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Guy, it shocked me so much. Praying for the success of the elections too. ❤️

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This is so relatable. I'm hopeful about tomorrow and I know it would be better with the right candidate on seat.


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Amen 🥺

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so sorry about the week you’ve been having

I feel like broken people’s playlist is something you need to settle down to read. I struggled the first two times I tried to read it so I just left it when things were a bit more settled in my life (I had exams, applications and family drama when i tried)

When i tried the third time, it was very wholesome so I think you should probably just leave it for now.

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I finished reading it last night and I cried, the last story was so impactful. I also do think I read it at a time where I was very busy, and so I will revisit it someday with new eyes. Thank you Victoria, I did have a better week.

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wishing you a better week ahead🫶🏽

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It's crazy how so many of us 20-somethings are going through all the same things at the same time and yet it feels like we're alone. At least that's how I feel.

Thanks for sharing this, Tres. I hope you enjjoy your time at home, and have a better week this week.


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Honestly, February was a lot lol. I really pray we're able to sort through all the madness. Thank you for your well wishes Genesis, I hope you have a wonderful week, too.

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